Source code for aioli.package

import logging

from marshmallow import Schema, fields

from .controller import BaseHttpController
from .service import BaseService
from .component import ComponentMeta
from .config import PackageConfigSchema
from .exceptions import BootstrapException
from .validation import (

class PackageMetadata(Schema):
    name = fields.String(
    description = fields.String(
    version = fields.String(

[docs]class Package: """Associates components and meta with a package, for registration with a Aioli Application. :param meta: Package metadata, cannot be used with auto_meta :param auto_meta: Attempt to automatically resolve meta for Package, cannot be used with meta :param controllers: List of Controller classes to register with the Package :param services: List of Services classes to register with the Package :param config: Package Configuration Schema :ivar app: Application instance :ivar meta: Package meta dictionary :ivar log: Package logger :ivar stash: Package Stash :ivar config: Package config :ivar controllers: List of Controllers registered with the Package :ivar services: List of Services registered with the Package """ class Stash: __state = {} def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__state[key] = value def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__state.get(item) app = None name = None config = {} meta = None log: logging.Logger services = [] controllers = [] def __init__( self, meta=None, auto_meta=False, controllers=None, services=None, config=None, ): if auto_meta and meta: raise BootstrapException("Package meta and auto_meta are mutually exclude") elif not auto_meta and not meta: raise BootstrapException("Package meta or auto_meta must be supplied") self._meta = meta self._auto_meta = auto_meta self._services = services self._controllers = controllers if config is None: self._conf_schema = PackageConfigSchema elif isinstance(config, type) and issubclass(config, PackageConfigSchema): self._conf_schema = config else: raise BootstrapException( f"Invalid config type {config}. Must be subclass of {PackageConfigSchema}, or None" ) self.stash = Package.Stash() def _register_services(self): if self._services is None: self._services = [] elif not isinstance(self._services, list): raise BootstrapException(f"{} services must be a list or None") for svc in self._services: if type(svc) != ComponentMeta or not issubclass(svc, BaseService): raise BootstrapException( f"Service {svc} of {} is invalid, must be of {BaseService} type" ) obj = svc(self) yield obj def _register_controllers(self): if self._controllers is None: self._controllers = [] elif not isinstance(self._controllers, list): raise BootstrapException(f"{} controllers must be a list or None") for ctrl in self._controllers: if type(ctrl) != ComponentMeta or not issubclass(ctrl, BaseHttpController): raise BootstrapException( f"Controller {ctrl} of {} is invalid, must be of {BaseHttpController} type" ) obj = ctrl(self) obj.register_routes(["api_base"]) yield obj async def call_startup_handlers(self): for svc in await svc.on_startup() for ctrl in self.controllers: await ctrl.on_startup() def register(self, app, config): = name = self.meta["name"] config["path"] = validate_path(config.get("path", f"/{name}")) = app self.log = logging.getLogger(f"aioli.pkg.{name}") self.config = self._conf_schema(name).load(config) = set(self._register_services()) self.controllers = set(self._register_controllers())