Creating an HTTP Interface–be it RESTful or otherwise–is done using the BaseHttpController class.


class aioli.controller.BaseHttpController(pkg)[source]

HTTP API Controller


pkg – Attach to this package

  • pkg – Parent Package
  • config – Package configuration
  • log – Controller logger

Called on request arrival for this Controller


Called when the Application is shutting down gracefully


Called after the Package has been successfully attached to the Application and the Loop is available

Example – Controller without route handlers

from aioli.controller import BaseHttpController

from .service import VisitService

class HttpController(BaseHttpController):
    def __init__(self):
        super(HttpController, self).__init__(pkg)

        self.log.debug("Guestbook opening")
        self.visit = VisitService(pkg)

    async def on_startup(self):
        self.log.debug(f"Guestbook opened")

    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f"Request received: {request}")


Route handlers are standard Python methods decorated with @route.


aioli.controller.decorators.route(path, method, description=None)[source]

Prepares route registration, and performs handler injection.

  • path – Handler path, relative to application and package paths
  • method – HTTP Method
  • description – Endpoint description

Route handler

Example – Route handler without transformation helpers

from aioli.controller import BaseHttpController, Method, route

from .service import VisitService

class Controller(BaseController):
    def __init__(self):
        self.visit = VisitService()

    @route("/", Method.GET, "List of entries")
    async def visits_get(self, request):
        # Pass along the query params as-is.
        # Then..
        # Return whatever get_many() returned.
        return await self.visit.get_many(**query)


Transformation is implemented on route handlers using @takes and @returns. These decorators offer a simple yet powerful way of shaping and validating request data, while also ensuring API endpoints returns according to their schemas.


The @takes decorator is used to instruct Aioli how to deserialize and validate parts of a request, and injects the validated data as arguments into the decorated function.


aioli.controller.decorators.takes(props=None, **schemas)[source]

Takes a list of schemas used to validate and transform parts of a request object. The selected parts are injected into the route handler as arguments.

  • props – List of Pluck targets
  • schemas – list of schemas (kwargs)

Route handler

Example – Route handler making use of @takes

from aioli.controller import (
    BaseHttpController, ParamsSchema, RequestProp,
    Method, route, takes

from .service import VisitService

class Controller(BaseController):
    def __init__(self):
        self.visit = VisitService()

    @route("/", Method.GET, "List of entries")
    async def visits_get(self, query):
        # Transform and validate query params using
        # ParamsSchema and pass along to get_many().
        # Then..
        # Return whatever get_many() returned.
        return await self.visit.get_many(**query)


The @returns decorator takes care of serializing data returned by its route handler, into JSON.


aioli.controller.decorators.returns(schema_cls=None, status=200, many=False)[source]

Returns a transformed and serialized Response

  • schema_cls – Marshmallow.Schema class
  • status – Return status (on success)
  • many – Whether to return a list or single object


Example – Route handler making use of @takes and @returns

from aioli.controller import (
    BaseHttpController, ParamsSchema, RequestProp,
    Method, route, takes, returns

from .service import VisitService

class Controller(BaseController):
    def __init__(self):
        self.visit = VisitService()

    @route("/", Method.GET, "List of entries")
    @returns(Visit, many=True)
    async def visits_get(self, query):
        # Transform and validate query params using
        # ParamsSchema and pass along to VisitService.get_many()
        # Then..
        # Transform and dump the object returned by get_many()
        # using the Visit schema, as a JSON encoded response.
        return await self.visit.get_many(**query)